We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with Chicago Mobile Markers on a five-week program that explores lighting and product design, re-use and upcycling, and how light affects space and communities. Students will tinker with vintage lighting, learn about electricity, and create their own light fixtures using a laser cutter. See details below, and please pass on!
Topics: ygd, yellow goat design, sculpture, custom, lighting, dreams, chicago, designer, lighting design, lead designer, art, craftsmen, artists, award winning, product designer, lighting designer, modern lighting, maya murphy-bird, kimball arts center, chicago after school programs, theaster gates
Topics: yellow goat design, team yellow goat design, designer, lighting design, women in design, women in lighting, design spotlight, product design, dasomm choi, lead designer
Mom, Designer, CEO. She's the driving vision behind YGD US. Carey Schuster made big changes and took bigger risks to create the inspired life that she leads today. This in-depth interview takes a look at her journey from White House to Interior Design to YGD CEO and how she has built a US branch of YGD with major cool factor!
Liked this video? Check out our interview with Lead Designer Dasomm Choi. The creative mind behind many of our most popular designs!
Check out all our videos here.
Topics: ygd, yellow goat design, sculpture, custom, lighting, AU, australia, ceo, mom, carey schuster, bossmom, becoming a ce-woah, designer, female founder collective