Our production team putting their skills to good use building PPE face shields for medical professionals. Inspired by Inksmith's tutorial on mask building we printing and producing shields to help protect our most essential workers at this time. If you have production capabilities please take a moment to check out how to help.
Topics: ygd, yellow goat design, sculpture, custom, lighting, AU, australia, toronto, canada, situation, covid 19, coronavirus, pandemic, wfh, remote, working from home, medical workers, masks
We understand that COVID-19 will require necessary changes in the near future. Here at YGD, we are prepared with all employees working remotely to ensure uninterrupted workflow and design development for our partners. We are offering online meetings and presentations using GoToMeeting, Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts or whatever program you require. As we always say: our products are custom and built to order and so is our process. Whatever you need, we are here for you during this challenging time. Need a virtual coffee date or dose of puppy love? We’ve got you covered there too. Thank you for your continued partnership and support. We look forward to collaborating, offering design inspiration and providing uplifting conversation during this time.
Schedule your online meeting today.
Topics: ygd, yellow goat design, sculpture, custom, lighting, AU, australia, situation, covid 19, coronavirus, pandemic, wfh, work from home, remote, working from home
Topics: ygd, yellow goat design, sculpture, custom, lighting, AU, australia, situation, covid 19, coronavirus, pandemic